Tree-felling in North Street

29th November 2019
To: The Midhurst Society
c/o Harvey Tordoff by Email


Dear Mr Tordoff
Tree Safety Works
Land Adjacent to the A272 – Opposite the Methodist Church, Midhurst


I am writing to inform the members of the Midhurst Society that for reasons of safety the Estate is
proposing to carry out felling and remedial works to the trees which are located on the area of land
opposite the Methodist Church in Midhurst, between the main road and the fenced pasture in front of
the Ruins.


A large Poplar tree lost a limb during stormy weather in October and this created a wound on the main
stem and an unbalanced canopy. The other trees on the site have since been inspected and
unfortunately revealed significant issues that also require remedial action. In total 13 trees (two Oak,
five Ash, four Sycamore, one Whitebeam and one Horse Chestnut) need to be felled as they have been
found to be infected with fungus or dieback, or are suffering damage of some kind.


As the trees are in the Midhurst Conservation Area we will be consulting the Tree Officer and obtaining
the necessary consents. The work will be carried out by an external contractor most likely early in the
new year. It is possible that we will have to apply for a part road closure but we will know more as we
continue to plan the work with the contractor.


All the trees will be replanted, thereby retaining the same number of trees on the site, and
consideration will be given to the appropriate species.


I will let you know when we intend to commence the work and in the meantime please do not hesitate
to contact me should you have any concerns or queries.


Yours sincerely
Lucy Moore
Rural Surveyor
Cowdray Estate Office,